⭐️If someone is trying to give you something that is too good to be true it often holds a nasty surprise. Spit it out and ignore it.


⭐️Sleeping for 16 hours a day is not lazy it’s just good self care practice.


⭐️When you really want something, sometimes you must persevere and keep meowing (asking) until you get the answer or action you want.


⭐️Every day show the people that you care about that you love them. A kitty kiss or paddle paws is fine, it’s the simple things that really matter.


⭐️Don’t let a closed door hold you back, ask for help to open it.


How does that translate to me, well I can’t say that I’ve managed to accomplish all of these great gems of wisdom.


One thing I am good at in the real world is to show how much I care for everyone around me and hopefully it translates into real life as I think we all need to be more cat. 




Lilly the cat with Angela touching noses. The pictures is black and white